My no excuses, get your workout in 15 minute body weight workout, All you need is a little space and your own body weight. This 15 minute HIIT workout is perfect when you are pressed for time, can’t make it to the gym, or on the road traveling. This is a timed interval workout 30 seconds of work followed by 10-15 seconds of rest.
Exercise #1 Jumping Jacks
Exercise #2 Alternating Step Lunges
Exercise #3 Burpees with a Pushup
Exercise #4 Plank
Exercise #5 Russian Twist
Exercise #6 Mountain Climbers
Exercise #7 Squat Hops
Exercise #8,#9 Single Leg Romanian Dead Lifts
Rest for 30 Seconds and then repeat each exercise. You should make it through 2 rounds in 15 minutes, if you want to extend it into a 30 minute workout do 4 rounds. Another quick workout that is guaranteed to make you sweat, build lean muscle mass, and move you one step closer to getting into the shape you want to be. Let me know if you have questions!
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